Clinical use of natriuretic peptide
Presented by Dr James Januzzi, Mass General, USA
Heart failure is the fastest rising diagnostic condition in modern cardiology today. In the US alone, approximately one million new patients are diagnosed with heart failure each year. Many of these patients do not show any symptoms, especially in the early stages of heart failure. Because symptoms can be ambiguous, an imprecise heart failure diagnosis can lead to a poorer prognosis and longer length of stay.
Since it is difficult to recognize, adequately gauge and manage the severity of heart failure, a more objective means of diagnosis has been sought. Accurate diagnosis of heart failure is trending more and more toward clinical decisions based on laboratory results that include rapid, high-quality natriuretic peptide testing as a fundamental component of diagnosis.
This webinar will offer background on the challenges that heart failure diagnosis presents to physicians and hospitals, and discuss the effect of natriuretic peptide testing on patient outcomes. It will review lab testing strategies and analyze clinical interpretation of and response to natriuretic peptide values. The session will also discuss short- and long-term applications of natriuretic peptide testing to simplify the diagnosis of heart failure, to judge its severity, and to better manage patients.